Saturday, January 30, 2010

No time like the present!

Well, I've decided that I would start blogging. Actually for myself and not really anyone else. So if you read this, good for you but *gasp* I'm not expecting anyone to read it. So if there is something misspelled or the grammar is a little off I really don't care. To tell you the truth I will probably just say what's on my mind or a play by play of my day.

I've been experiencing A LOT of new and exciting stuff lately so I started thinking I should write them down....somewhere. So, that somewhere is here and if you don't like it leave. No really. :)

If I offend you somehow, I'm not going to apologize for what I say. I've done enough people pleasing in my life and I'm only 23. Right now at this moment I'm living for God and myself. What ever follows and happens as a result I'm happy to take. So far things have been pretty darn awesome and I hope they just get better.

So a little about where I am right now and how I got here.

So how I got here :

I was born, parents were divorced when I was four, my father was in prison for some time, I don't see him or that side of the family that often, always lived with my mother and she's the best, I've got one sister (older) and one brother (older), yup I'm the youngest, grew up most of my life in Bakersfield, Ca., went to public school until I was a junior in high school then I was home-schooled (not because I was a bad kid but because I hated being bored at school and wanted more of a challenge and the teachers in our school system kind of sucked.), I graduated early from high school, finished some college...didn't exactly dig it either, worked at Wienerschnitzel for a little over four years, was a travel agent for a little over two years, laid off from the travel company in August 2009, Ca is paying for me to become a certified bookkeeper (so far I'm loving school and should finish in April), September 2009 (my 23rd b-day) was the best birthday I'd ever had despite not having any money or job, my all-time favorite band is Fallborn, I've seen the play like 10 times since September 2009, I'm still looking for the love of my life, I'm a virgo, I hate fish, love watching cheesey romantic movies, I'm terrified of commitment, terrified of rejection, pretty insecure about my physical self, I've got a lot of opinions but rarely express them, I'm trying to be more outgoing AND outspoken every minute of my new found life, I love going to church, I am LDS (Mormon), I love Jesus and KNOW he is my savior, I love my family, I consider most of my friends my family, I love dogs...not so much cats, I hate milk but love soy milk,I love the sound of violins, I love making people smile, I love the rain probably more than a normal person probably should, "pretty" girls frighten I get along with guys much better, I like getting dressed up but really am a jeans and t-shirt girl who would be fine with dressing up the jeans and t-shirt with pearls, I love doing artsy stuff, I love cooking, I absolutely LOVE music, I love writing, Don't really watch much tv but my favorite tv show is Chuck, I hate going to the theatre, I love sitting and watching movies with blankets in the dark, I hate fake people, love people who love Jesus, I try to live every day to make him proud, I mute commercials, I don't watch rated R movies, I don't use the Lord's name in vain, I don't curse, I dress modestly, I've never had a drop of alcohol, I've never smoked, never tried any type of drugs, I'm still a virgin and will be until I get married in one of God's temples, I've almost died from an illness, strangely I know famous people, I would love to try acting some time but never got around to it, I love the disney channel but think they give little girls the wrong idea of love and relationships, I think parents need to start paying attention to their children, I hate it when people judge each other, I hate it when people gossip, I hate it when people embellish the truth, I think way to much into things, day dream way to often, love to try new things, hate to fail, and I am learning to love myself for who I am.

Ok THAT is enough about me.

Some of that stuff I've never told anyone but probably should.

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