Friday, July 2, 2010

One Man's Action Can Kill Many.

So I found out today that my Mother, who is working for the state of California, will now be making minimum wage. Federal minimum wage. That is $7.25 an hour or 1160 a month. That is before taxes. So she will probably brink home $800 if she is lucky. That doesn't even cover the house payment, let alone paying for car insurance, utilities, feeding herself or the two dogs she has. Not to mention I was laid off from my job almost a year ago and still have yet to find a job. I at least have unemployment but that just barely covers my expenses. I can not comprehend why it is so difficult for legislature to pass a budget. Why they need to cater towards masses to make themselves look good so, heaven forbid just in case, they might make it beyond the state legislature into something federal. Why wouldn't they want to be remember as the state legislature that stood up against the governor and told him where to stick it while letting the lowly state employees that were already scraping by making no head room and living paycheck to paycheck get by. Why is it that the state of california needs to put this mask on and pretend everything is ok when they are forcing thousands upon thousands of workers, parents, single parents, families, and children out of their homes to be hungry and out of options like a third world country. Pretty soon california is going to be a run down and unforgiving place of crime, fear, dying children, broken families, and completely unmanageable because of the decisions the governor. Isn't the governor the person that is suppose to look after the well-being of the outlined space to be governed? I guess these are just the thoughts of a scared, pretty much uneducated young woman. But, is it truly so hard to put the well-being of the citizens above the budget that is so unmanageable in the first place? Sure the governor isn't at all going to be affected. He is not being paid for his job. He already has millions upon millions. Lives lavishly with no wants. While families like mine live to get by, not able to get ahead. I am not sure what our family will do let alone my cousin who has a wife with four small daughters to support as well. Does the governor not think of the lives that might be lost because of a decision like this? I know all to well what money matters can do to the mind. My Great-Grandfather committed suicide because of the depression and his lack of ability to support his family. Will a man in office ruining the lives of many, not have the same effect on the mental stability of the state he is supposed to care for? These may just be ramblings, but it is how someone at the bottom feels.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, I just found out about your blog. Nice work!

    Secondary, I'm sorry to hear about the pay cut. Hopefully this will put more pressure on the state representatives to pass the budget. I suggest communicate the frustration to the state legislature of your district and urge him/her to take actions correcting it. After all, this is how the democracy suppose to work, isn't it.

    On the other hand, I wonder if the governor has other options on this matter. I mean, in this political climate, it's not likely he would be able to raise taxes. So if he is not willing to borrow more debt, he will have to cut expenses somewhere.
