Friday, July 9, 2010

Unnerving Fear

So everything and I mean everything lately has been telling me that I need to put my life into the Lords hands. I need to start paying my tithing even when I can't afford to pay all of my bills. I need to always have a prayer in my heart, always have my aim towards my Savior and Lord. I was just having a quick chat with a really good friend and he sent me a link to an article that said just that. Put your life with the Lord.
I was tearing apart my room the other day trying to find some stuff I had written when I found something else I hadn't realized I had scribbled down quite a long time ago. It wasn't written very well but it still had the same effect on my soul. I don't remember writing it but it's in my handwriting and in my notebook, so I guess it's just something that poured out of me in one of my moments when things go foggy and I write without realizing.

Living with my eyes shut
Sleeping with them open
These nightmares I'm avoiding
Are waiting patiently
I turn my back to run
More nightmares are always waiting
Turning in circles
No where to go
I fall to my knees
Turn toward the Heavens
There you are, waiting.
I start to cry
You reach down and hold me
I ask "Where were you?"
He says "I've been here the whole time,
Waiting for you to remember."
I ask "Remember What?"
He says "That I know those nightmares
And have seen them too, but they're not real.
I am."

After I read what I had written my head was almost spinning. It was exactly what I needed to hear, needed to know. It's amazing how I could have written this so long ago, it not having very much meaning then, but when I am drowning in fear, holding back my screams and tears, my own words are found to comfort me. God knows exactly what we need and when we need it. How can things not go right when you put everything in His hands? A friend of mine was recently having issues and she told me "There are so many things I regret and they just hang over me and never go away." What she said got me thinking. Heavenly Father does not want us to regret anything so that it stays with us and inhibits us from progressing. If we regret our past decisions and never move on, we never continue to learn and progress spiritually. We need to take what we are dealt and make the best of it. Learn from our past mistakes to make right choices in the future. If we don't learn from the past then how can we expect any kind of future to be before us? Regret nothing because your triumphs and failures make you who you are and who you will become. Put your life into the hands of the Lord and invite him into your life, always, not only when you need him.

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