Sunday, October 10, 2010

Moments In Time, Captured

So I haven't written for a while....this has been the most trying month of my life, thus far. It's been so hard to get up and live each day with the void in my life, but I know that I can not let another's choices put my life at a standstill. For a very long time I have said that "Everyone makes their own choices and they must live with the consequences." I now know that it may be very hard to deal with those consequences but it must be done and I know it's better to deal with them now and to repent for your sins rather than wait until it's to late to realize what you've done and live eternity with a regret that will never fade. I have always lived my life with the intent to never hurt my family or friends. To live so they could be proud of my decisions, to live as my Father in Heaven would say "Yeah, That's my girl" with a smile on his face. I know for a fact I am not perfect but I thank God every single moment of the day and night that I have had the strength to live in that manner. No, my life has definitely NOT been perfect or even close, but I am now seeing that the little (and I mean no matter how little) blessings in my life are worth counting every day. If they weren't I might have given up by now. These little things are God letting me know that He is there and Yes there might be terrible things happening all around at this moment but He is still there for you, still caring for you. I guess this time in my life is teaching me and helping me learn to treasure the small things and not the laptop or camera that I hold so dear. Life is not about what I have or what I want. Life is not about myself nor is it about trivial things.
My life may be very difficult in some aspects right now but this is not the end and there is plenty to be grateful for, if I take the time to look. If you (whoever you are) read this please take the time to thank God for what you are grateful for. For what He has given you.

And now on to why I actually was going to post today. I went to an antique fair today at Pioneer's Village in my town Bakersfield, Ca and took some photographs and just wanted to share with ya'll.

I think by now you know I love photography and I happen to love taking photos of older cameras. :)

I am not sure why but these crosses just struck me as beautiful when I saw them so I snapped a picture of them and I'm quite pleased as to how it turned out.

Now this photo is not photoshopped or anything to the effect. I don't have photoshop but I wish I did. Anyways this is a picture of the inside of the "Undertakers Shop" at Pioneer Village and in the upper left hand corner is a wooden casket that had a pretty small opening in it for viewing the body. You can actually see the little lid on the floor next to it. But what is Awesome is the reflection that is seemingly burning into the photo from the small opening from the casket. And can you see the hand that is coming out from the cloth draped over the other casket that is up against the left wall? Crazy!!! haha :) Can you hear the spooky music yet? And yes I know it's probably just reflections off of glass. Just have some fun with it. *Click on the photo to make it larger!*

If anyone has been to Bakersfield...or Kern County for that matter they can see with their own eyes that, here, we are big on oil fields. So naturally they have some oil field equipment at the museum, and well, I didn't read what is was, I just started taking pictures of them..kind of happens a lot with me but I still just love these.

This is inside the super old oil driller thingy mabob that's on the grounds. It's just the light shining in from outside but it makes me smile. And it helps me remember to let the light shine in.

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