Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lyrics to reflect my soul.

So I am friends with this singer/songwriter who writes for some pretty big names. He is uber awesome and one of the nicest and giving guys I've ever met. He was the lead singer of my favorite band that just recently broke up. (tears :-'( ::sniff sniff::) But he has started to do his solo thing again which is pretty awesome too. The other day he actually sent me some of his *new* music. Wow. I can't stop listening to it. The first song I know what his inspiration was and it is fitting. Absolutely beautiful. I hate being so cryptic but with him being so...well known...I never know what he has going into a movie or what is being submitted. I promised to never send out the music he sends me, and I will not break that promise. I really wish I could post the music. People really need to hear what he has to say with HIS music and how amazing it actually is. These latest two songs he has sent me are the kind where you can lay on your bed, and just lose yourself in the music and lyrics. Lose yourself in the images that come to mind. Lose yourself in the realization of how true his words are and how they should be cherished. I couldn't imagine having the amazing and creative mind he has.

I really cherish music more than a lot of people could imagine and when I hear music that is so pure it puts my soul at ease; because you know when someone has a talent just as he does, it could only have come from God.

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