Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tears from an overflowing ocean.

So I feel like crying. All my life when I would start talking people would talk over me. So I pretty much stopped talking even when I had something to say. I just figured they didn't want to know what I was talking about, didn't want to know what I had to say, didn't care what I had to say. It always kind of made me mad but I tried to get over it. I tried to not care. It really is hard not to care when it's your family talking over you. It's especially hard to not care when it's someone you really care about and you think he cares about you. I know he cares about me. This is dumb to feel sad and unwanted because of this but sometime you can't help it. Sometimes you just can't. Ugh...I need to. Stupid girl emotions.

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