Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Petrified Soul

Have you ever awoke with such a fright that you're unable to move or even breath but there really isn't anything there actually to harm you but you still can't bring yourself to risk it? I think I did that about 4 times tonight and I only went to bed at 2 AM...so in the last 2 1/2 hours. To make matters worse when I was sleeping which wasn't much, I was to terrified to sleep in my dreams. I don't exactly know what was terrifying me in my dreams but I have not been so terrified in such a long time. I mean, I remember being that terrified when I was at a small age...I still can't remember what I was so terrified from, though. What I do remember is distinct shadows walking about. I remember the feeling and the knowing that something or someone wanted to show itself. I had that feeling as well tonight. Like some force kept pulling me in a billion directions. In my dreams I never slept, I just wandered the house terrified of what I would see. At some points I even wanted to scream in terror but didn't because it might hear me. I had that distinct feeling tonight that has been long lost from my childhood. I had that distinct feeling tonight that has been pushed so far deep it has caused me to forget. The distinct feeling that I was being watched, very closely. How could I be petrified to my soul afraid to move and breath whilst my dog lay at the foot of the bed perfectly calm. Now as the sun rises, may my fears fall with the moon for I have a quest at hand. A quest put forth by a need to feel, a need to fill the gaps in my memory. A quest to find why I am truly terrified. A quest to find what wants to show itself. What have I been hiding from the world. What have I been hiding from myself. What have I buried deep within.

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