Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Pounding on the inside..

So I just thought about writing in my blog...and my head started pounding. Not the "eh, I should skip and go to bed" but the "there is a jackhammer somewhere on the inside of my skull and it just turned on with that thought..." So here I am typing away and now I've got the beginnings of a terrible headache...haha.

It's sure funny how we do things no matter the consequences, isn't it?

I think to much about consequences and don't experience very much but from what I see most of the time the bad experiences are never fun. <--No duh huh?

I completely agree with the "Every action has a reaction" theory.

Just like now. If I sit here and continue to type this my headache will get worse...and it's getting worse. I sure wish all consequences exposed themselves so quickly. If so we could turn and run as quick as possible and live better lives but alas we must endure until the end and that is what makes life worth living I guess.

Ok...headache is terrible. Goodnight. Tylenol here I come!!!!!!

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