Sunday, February 21, 2010


So I haven't written in a while...seems like forever, actually. So I'm trying to get healthy. I'm pretty over-weight so I have started to make different choices. When I got laid off in August I was pretty much at my highest weight ever. Since August I've lost about 35 pounds. I can't believe how much confidence, joy, and energy it has given me. I've sort of hit a plateau now so I've started running. I ran Tuesday-Friday and just walked yesterday, Saturday. MY LEGS HURT SO BAD!! hahaha I guess it's a good thing but my goodness! I am really liking working out. Sometimes I still get worried about people watching me or staring and thinking "eeww...fat girl running" or something stupid like that, but I am getting over it. It takes time for confidence to grow but I must say it is growing each and everyday. I guess I hadn't realized how little confidence I had.

I now am smiling all the time. Ok there are moments when I'm not smiling but for the most part, I smile A LOT more now. Yesterday I ordered some food and was waiting for it up at the counter and my sister was looking at me and I made a funny face and stuck out my tongue. I know with you if there even is a reader out there don't know me but after I did it I thought to myself "why don't I do that more often?" Before I would never do something like that because, heaven forbid, someone might be offended or someone might think less of me. I can't believe I let thoughts like that over run my happiness and joy.

I really hope people start to realize what is inhibiting their happiness and joy, change those actions or thoughts, and change their life for the better. We all want to live better lives don't we? I know I do and I know I want better lives for everyone who is around me. If we want better lives for ourselves and others around us, charity, happiness, and a happier community comes about.

Think about how happy our country would be if we took care of ourselves first, then took care of others in need. If our communities are happier and healthier then our communities can help other communities to learn the same benefits. It would truly be a wonderful world if everyone wanted everyone else to be as happy as they were themselves.

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